Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Importance of Law to Different People free essay sample

Various schools of law define law from different angles and this is done by mainly looking at the purpose that is to be achieved. The meaning of law maybe different to a lawyer, a law enforcement agency, a law breaker and even a business man. If defined simply then law is a system, a set of rules and guidelines that are enforced/implemented through a set of different government institutions. It helps to shape politics, economics, and most importantly, society by serving as a mediator of relations between people and different groups (Various, 2011).They are considered to be the basic of behavior, and at the same time, orders established by the Government of a country. These guidelines are applicable to anyone and everyone, with the expectations that are followed rather than broken, without any discrimination. Law is the command of the sovereign. It imposes a duty and is supported by a sanction, which will be looked at further in this writing. We will write a custom essay sample on Importance of Law to Different People or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Law is made of three elements: command, duty and sanction. To implement and enforce law and provide services to the public, a government’s bureaucracy, the military and police are vital.With all these organs of the state are creatures created and bound by law, an independent legal profession and vibrant civil society inform and support their progress (Various, 2011). Law is a fair means of keeping everyone equal in the eyes of the state, and rid out crimes which are the cancer of society. Law is a generic term which is further divided into categories so no walks of life isn’t out of the reach of the law enforcers. Law is not a man made phenomena as we can see law in effect in nature too. It is something that keeps things in balance.Some might argue that law isn’t required, but man in its nature is inclined to sway from the right code of conduct. Law doesn’t enforce something un-natural but kosher ways of doing things. The need of Law is fundamental, it sets up guidelines for appropriate behavior that has been perfected over time and based on moral beliefs. And also Law is a divine quality given to man to controls mans sinful nature for centuries. When can see the importance of Law in man life by the example of Adam and Eve, they had guidelines they had to follow, no matter how limited it was, and when they were broken they were punished for it. This shows that the need of Law or guidelines is something as natural to mankind as breathing. Law has a different meaning to a lawyer, a law enforcement agency, a law breaker and a businessman. A lawyer assists others in understanding the rule of law and provides his help to those who want to enforce the law for a particular purpose. The objective of a law enforcement agency is to promote law and ensure that it is being followed in an organized manner. A law breaker is not try to understand the rule of law and just wants to disrupt the society by breaking it.A business man has to follow the law in his day to day dealings and to a business man, law is mainly a set of rules and regulations that have to be followed in order to carry out the business. The objective of this paper is to highlight how various individuals perceive law and the meaning that law has to them. Law is there to serve different purposes and law can only be easily defined if this purpose is apparent. The aim of this paper is to show what perception different individuals have of law.It is very important to know the differences in perception of various segments regarding law to be able to understand how it would be defined by them. This would help us analyze and interpret the way they look at law and might help us in forming a mutual definition of law. It is necessary to shed light upon what law means to different segments in order to create a linkage among the common elements exist so it becomes easier for us to understand the actual meaning of law. Methodology The topic that has been covered in this paper can have a legal as well as a social impact.It can have a social impact because it highlights the different meanings that law can have to different individuals in the society which can assist the members of the society to understand how various individuals perceive law. Law is importance to all the individual but the degree of importance surely varies. The paper sheds light on the importance that different individuals attach to law hence having a society wide impact. The paper can have a legal impact because it shows us how the various segments of the legal system including the lawyers and law enforcement agencies perceive law and how essential law is to them.This can help us interpret their reaction towards various aspects and also help us understand how different segments within the legal system might work. What does law mean to a lawyer? Law has a great deal of significance to a lawyer. Law is needed to resolve these disputes and lawyers use these laws a valid ground for resolving such disputes, as exemplified by the famous story of the Judgment of Solomon. It was thought even from classical times that law performed a very important function – that of encouraging and helping people to do the right thing. For example, Aristotle (384 BC – 322 BC) argued that people needed the discipline of law to habituate them into doing the right thing, from which standpoint they could then appreciate why doing the right thing was the right thing to do and lawyers set examples for others through use of laws. Up until the 20th century, this view of law was accepted by law makers, with the result that the legal system contained a large number of ‘morals laws’ – that is, laws that were designed purely and simply to stop people acting immorally, according to the lights of Christian teaching on what counted as immoral behavior.For the lawyer law is formulated to improve the system of legal representation, ensure that lawyers conduct their business in accordance with the law, standardize lawyers behavior, protect the legitimate rights and interests of litigants, safeguard the correct enforcement of laws and bring into full play the positive role of lawyers in establishing a socia list legal system. Lawyer refers to personnel who have obtained a business license for setting up a lawyers practice in accordance with the law and who are providing legal services for the public.When setting up a practice, lawyers must abide by the Constitution and the law, and must scrupulously observe professional ethics and discipline. Lawyers who set up in practice must use facts as a basis and the law as criteria. Lawyers who set up in practice must accept supervision by the state, the public and litigants. Lawyers who set up in practice in accordance the law are protected by the law.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Ranking and Social Inequality

Ranking and Social Inequality Ranking is a characteristic of complex societies in which different persons within a society have different quantities or qualities of power, rights and responsibilities. As societies grow in complexity, different tasks are assigned to specific people, called craft specialization. Sometimes specialization leads to status changes. The study of ranking and social inequality in archaeology is based on the anthropological and economic studies of Elman Service (Primitive Social Organization, 1962) and Morton Fried (Evolution of Political Societies, 1967). Service and Fried argued that there are two ways in which ranking of people in a society is arrived at: achieved and ascribed status. Achieved status results from being a warrior, artisan, shaman, or other useful profession or talent. and ascribed status (inherited from a parent or other relative). Ascribed status is based on kinship, which as a form of social organization ties the status of an individual within a group to descent, such as dynastic kings or hereditary rulers. Ranking and Archaeology In egalitarian societies, goods and services are spread relatively evenly among the population. High-ranking individuals in a community can be identified archaeologically by studying human burials, where differences in grave contents, the health of an individual or his or her diet can be examined. Ranking can also be established by the difference sizes of houses, the locations within a community, or the distribution of luxury or status items within a community. Sources for Ranking This glossary entry is a part of the Guide to the Characteristics of Ancient Civilizations, and part of the Dictionary of Archaeology. A fairly brief bibliography of ranking and social stratification has been collected for this entry.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Cost Drivers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Cost Drivers - Essay Example Finally, cost drivers includes hours of time, number of employees, number of setups, number of wheel, number of enquiries, number of products produced, number of machines maintained, and number of hours of supervision. Cost behaviour normally relate to various activities as well as the consumption of resources ((Hansen et al. 2009). Such resources have costs which are either fixed and do not vary directly with resource usage in the short run or variable and varies in direct proportion to the resource consumption. Activities usually consume resources and the costs of such resources often follow various behavioural patterns (Needles et al. 2010). Since, the supervisors spend an equal amount of time with each employee they supervise, the costs associated with it are fixed, and they do not vary directly with resource usage. Since the building is allocated based on square footage, the costs are variable. There is a direct correlation between amount of space used and the rent. There is also a direct correlation between the Energy or electric power consumed and the number of units produced (Needles et al. 2010). In terms of labour, the costs are variable as they change in direct proportion to the number of units produced. The cost of equipment is fixed and does not vary directly to the units produced. The cost of materials varies in direct proportion to the number of units produced. There is an indirect relationship between amount of supplies and production time. The costs therefore vary in direct proportion to the resource consumption ((Hansen et al.